
Posted by OOPs on 07:23

Google Chrome is the fastest browser which is more secure and user friendly. It becomes favourite browser for most of the surfers. 

We can still boost its performance and features with Extensions.

A few useful extensions here for your chrome...

1. Adblock Plus - Surf the web without annoying ads!

Adblock Plus blocks annoying ads on the web. It can block other things, like tracking, as well. With more than 50 million users, it is the world's most popular browser extension.

 Adblock Plus is an open source project created by Wladimir Palant in 2006. Eyeo was founded in 2011 by Wladimir Palant and Till Faida to make its development sustainable.

2. The Great Suspender

Unload, park, suspend tabs to reduce memory footprint of chrome.

Tabs can auto-suspend after a configurable period of time or be suspended manually. 

Tabs can be whitelisted to avoid automatic suspension. Suspended tabs are retained after closing and reopening browser, preventing many tabs from all reloading after a restart (similar to BarTab functionality). 
Compatible with Session Buddy so suspended tabs are restorable. Very simple, intuitive interface.

3. Tab Cloud

Tabs were one of the best inventions in modern browsing, but they have become a burden, spewing forth like bees from an angry hive. They often get so numerous that it is hard to find the one you need, and only prayer is left if one of the multitude starts autoplaying an annoying video. They also eat up system resources – both RAM and disk swap space – reducing battery life and slowing your computer.
TabCloud is the answer – it allows you to save a load of tabs to a cloud syncing service so you can open them at another time or on another computer with one click. It is easy to use, efficient and free.

4. Social Fixer

If Facebook drives you nuts but you just have to use it, Social Fixer is here to try and save your sanity.It can filter your News Feed, hiding stories by keyword, author or application – say goodbye to Candy Crush updates – as well as organise it better into tabs for grouped posts and give you ultimate control over the way Facebook looks and works.
The free extension will even fix some of the most annoying things about Facebook, such as constantly switching back to “Top Stores” instead of the most recent posts, despite you telling it precisely not to.

5.LastPass - A password Manager

Account security is a hot topic right now, with databases of passwords being leaked left, right and centre. But using different passwords for everything and actually being able to remember them is hard, and that’s where LastPass comes in.
A Chrome extension with add-ons or apps for almost every other browser and platform, LastPass is a cloud-based password manager. It stores all your passwords and login details, and syncs them securely between browsers and even mobile devices, allowing you to use random 24-character passwords without having to remember them all individually.

LastPass is free to use, but a premium option allows you to use two-factor authentication and a mobile app, should you need it.

Posted by OOPs on 07:22

A few years back, personal computer played vital role in digital life. But, now the personal computer are used as a normal device along with other devices.

Due to this, A very popular Japanese organisation, Sony, met drastic fall in sells of VAIO computers.

So, Sony has decided to stop manufacturing the product further as well as decided to sell its factory to others. As expected, Japan Industrial Partners will buy Sony's PC unit and set up a separate company to take over operation.

Similarly, IBM stopped its personal computer production from 2004. HP also announced the same that surprised everyone. Later, HP changed its decision. But, Sony decision is expected by everyone. Because, mobile has taken the importance from computers.

Here after, Sony is going to involve in Mobiles, Tablets and Televisions only. Sony expects to transfer around 250 to 300 employees from its PC division to the new business. The deal also means new VAIO models will no longer be available outside of Japan.

Posted by OOPs on 07:22

Currently, Google is offering 1 GB per second to its customer through 'Fiber' service in Kansas city area. Google is working on to offer 10 times faster than what it delivers to its customer now. If this comes to real, a drastic change will happen in internet usage.

Patrick Pichette, chief financial officer of the tech giant, said it could take as long as 10 years to create the technology, but Google hopes to deliver it as early as three years from now. Along with Google some more companies joint to make it deliver as soon as possible.

Last year, Britain scientists proved that data can be transferred through light. They named this technology as 'Lifi'.

A famous american company successfully completed its 10GB data transfer per second. By using this technology it transferred a 2.3 GB movie within 4 seconds.

We can expect this technology by Google, because it is working on it very closely.

Posted by OOPs on 07:21

There are already several Office apps for iOS, from the OneDrive and OneNote apps to the simplistic Office for iOS (now renamed Office Mobile); Office for iPad is a different and more impressive beast.

What you get are versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint designed for iPad. You can download the apps today in iTunes via the link below. 
Microsoft Office | iTunes App Store
Microsoft's new Office for iPad makes a favourable first impression and it has much in common with the version of Office you are familiar with on a PC or Mac. But if you think Microsoft has designed a near clone of Word, Excel and PowerPoint for Apple's popular tablet think again. Here are five quick takeaways to keep in mind:

1. It's three separate apps.

Office for the iPad isn't like Office Mobile for the iPhone, Android or Microsoft's own Windows Phone. You must download Word, Excel and PowerPoint separately, assuming you want each app. The good news is the apps are free, though to get the full benefits of editing and creating stuff from scratch you must subscribe to Microsoft's Office 365, currently $99.99 a year for use on up to 5 PCs and/or Macs and up to 5 tablets.

2. What you cannot do. 

For starters, you cannot print, not directly from any of the Office iPad apps anyway. If you have to print a document, you can always email it to yourself and print from another machine, not necessarily the most productive or ideal use of your time. You cannot insert a video into PowerPoint either. Of course there's no reason Microsoft couldn't add such features in the future; I'd certainly expect them to do so.

3. Get cozy with OneDrive.

The online storage locker formerly known as SkyDrive is your cloud destination for the documents, spreadsheets and presentations you saved through Office for the iPad. Other cloud destinations (Google Drive, Dropbox, Box) are not currently an option.

4. Use touch.

The large and finger friendly area where you'll find the "ribbon" interface common to each Office app only shows appropriate commands when you need them (e.g, chart or picture commands when you select a chart or picture) as on the computer versions of Office. But you can easily manipulate these commands via touch. Touch-friendly "handles" also make it simple to resize and rotate objects.

5. Use voice.

Here's where Office leans on Apple's iOS operating system. You can dictate a document in Word, for example. Merely tap the Microsoft icon on the keyboard that pops up inside Word and start gabbing.

Posted by OOPs on 07:20

Since Microsoft announced support for windows XP files will  no longer be available (from April 8), many windows XP users has become windows 7 customers now.

The differences between the two operating systems can be found in their process. If we understands this difference, the transition does not give any problem.

Windows 7 is designed to have variations from other operating systems.In particular, we can find so many differences when compared to windows XP which was in market for the last 13 years. Windows 7 gives additional security, activity along with new technology, etc.

Let us see some features here...

1. Taskbar:

The task bar in windows 7 is totally different from windows XP.  We got 'Quick launch' area from windows XP onwards. We can open the programs by clicking on the icon that is placed on 'Quick launch' bar and the opened programs shown in taskbar.

But in windows 7, both features have been mixed. The icons in the taskbar is shortcuts to the programs and indicates the opened programs. The icons which has border, indicates opened programs. The icons which doesn't have border, indicates unopened programs. When you click on the icons, it will show opened applications if already opened by you earlier. Otherwise, it will open the program as new.  When you open a program, the corresponding icon will be shown in taskbar. When you close the program, the corresponding icon also will be hidden.

Unlike this, if you wanna place the icon always on the taskbar, choose 'Pin this program to taskbar' from the menu that you can get by right clicking on the icon when it is opened. If you do this, the icon will be shown on your taskbar always whether it is opened or not. We can arrange the icons in a order which we want.

Right clicking on an icon from the taskbar will pop up a menu is called 'Jump list'. Generally, Jump list will have details about associated program and some general settings for the program.

For example,
'MS Word' jump list will have recently opened word document list. We can limit the number of documents to be shown by adjust the settings from taskbar jump list properties.

2. Start Menu:
Windows 7 start menu differs from windows XP start menu. However it is not difficult to bring it. When you press 'Start button' or 'Windows Key', you can see a list of frequently used programs. This menu updates by itself and will give you the frequently used program shortcuts.

 To show our shortcuts also in the start menu, select 'Pin this program to Start menu' from a menu that will popup when you right click on program shortcut.

Clicking on 'All programs' will give you all the installed programs list. We can search particular programs or files by typing the name in the provided text box.

3. User Account Control (UAC):
The User Access Control introduced in windows Vista. It has been updated in windows 7.  Using this tool, can provide specific permission to the user of computer.

For example , when installing programs on your computer, UAC prompt asking permission from you to the user, after which it was provided, the program will be allowed to install. It provides additional protection to our computer.

4. Windows Explorer:
Windows 7 provides different appearance to windows explorer. However,the functionality is the same as the previous Windows operating systems. The toolbar 'File/Edit/View' is hidden. Though, we can see the hided menu by pressing 'Alt+R'. 

Posted by OOPs on 07:19

Microsoft is offering to upgrade from windows 8 to windows 8.1 at free of charge. However, the currently available figures, there are many more Windows 8 system remain unchanged. The reasons can be found here.

We can't say it as Microsoft failure. Windows 8 was released on October 7 last year. In coming months, Windows 8.1 update 1 is going to release as update of Windows 8.

As of now, 6.83% are using Windows 8. 4.3% are using Windows 8.1.  We cannot expect Windows 8 will be useless, with the launch of Windows 8.1. It is surprising that Windows 8.1 users are less in number than Windows 8 users. Because Windows 8 is found with a lot of incorrect codes, still the customers has not changed to new.

Windows Store - Windows Update

Before this release, the windows is happened through 'Windows Update'. But the update is happening through Windows Store in windows 8.1. Earlier, system updates automatically, when it is connected with internet.

However, Windows 8.1 is not given in this way. it is given as a part of Windows store. Need to download it separately and install it as other programs.

Need Microsoft Account

Windows 8 prompts ask you to install through local user account or Microsoft account. Most of the users will use local user account to get it installed. But, windows 8.1 insists user to go through Microsoft account to get Windows 8.1 update files.

Posted by OOPs on 07:17

Google has been playing vital role together with internet. "Indian people should enjoy all features of Google is our objective", said Rajan Anandan, leader of Google India.

India is third country in using the internet.

Internet connection and many more!

Accessing internet connection via a mobile phone is constantly growing. Smart phones can be used for this purpose is expected to increase to 7 million in this year. Followed by this, should increase the usage of tablet PC among people. This can be done by 2014. People will get tablets with cheaper price (less than Rs.10000). In the same way, people will get smart phones also with cheaper price.

Need more Indian entries on internet!

India has rich, diverse cultural backgrounds, artistic and cultural resources, history. However, they are extremely poor records on the Internet. For the aid, Google has launched "Google Art Project".  Google joins with ASI, to create Indian memorials such as Taj Mahal, in digital world. This will be helpful for children in their education.

Currently, Google seeks to make keyboard for all Indian languages. It is trying to make a device that converts sound into text for all Indian language.The newly created character types in the local language.

Indian business on the Internet!

There are millions of business are capable to register on internet, in India. But, approximately one lakh  business only has their own website.  Google has brought a project. It offers at free of charge at the begining and later, the fee can drive by businesses to register themselves on the website. Currently more than 3 million businesses sites are developed via this project.

Google aims to get 50 million Indian women online by 2015!

Google India plans to get 50 million women in India using the Internet within one year through a new initiative that aims to bridge the gender digital divide by providing women with easier access to technology, the company said.
With more than 200 million Internet users in the country and growing, India is set to overtake the United States as the world's second largest market after China. Yet only one-third of India's online users are women.
The "Helping women get online" initiative is largely centred around its website, which provides step-by-step information - in both Hindi and English - on the basics of how to use a computer and access the Web.
The initiative involves setting up easy Internet access points for women across the country and a toll-free helpline, 1-800-419-9977, to guide new users.
Google India said its first priority was to create awareness about the benefits of the Internet for women through a mass media campaign.
"Lack of easy access to Internet, lack of knowledge on how to use the Internet and its relevance in their daily lives are the biggest barriers for women to get online. ‘Helping women get online' is an initiative that aims to overcome these barriers and empower women to improve their lives," Google India's Managing Director Rajan Anandan said in a statement on Wednesday.
"With this initiative we are aiming to help 50 million additional women to get online by end of 2014 by undertaking a variety of initiatives across India."
The Internet empowers people by allowing individuals to express their views freely, expand their knowledge and community, and provide education and employment. It also results in increased social and economic development, experts say.
More knowledgeable women in society will translate into lower maternal and infant mortality rates, less child malnutrition and increased employment and economic growth.

Posted by OOPs on 07:16

Although we have used Windows system for many years, most of us have been do not know about some useful tools which is there in windows.

They help us to monitor our system process. If problem happens in system operation, they help us to identify the problem and resolve the same.

Such, known tools but not using often, unknown tools are follows.

1. System Information

The system information tool provides information about our system, in particular about hardware devices. It can be classified as follows:

  • Various segment of Hardware devices
  • Drivers
  • Application programs
  • Internet Settings

To get this, navigate as follows:

  • Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> System Information
User can get most of the information related to hardware devices from this option. Though followings are few which are very useful.

  1.1  System Summary

It provides basic information about the computer such as Information related to Operating System and its version, Computer manufacturer, Computer model and its BIOS register etc.

 1.2  Display

It provides information about Graphics version and its model, manufacturer, memory capacity.

 1.3 Network Adapter

It provides information related to wired and wireless networks which are connected to the system.

1.4 Storage Drivers

All hardware and optical drivers will be shown in this section. We can see the driver's total memory capacity and its free space also.

By using this system information, we cannot modify any system information. But without any external software, we can know information about our system and its hardware drivers. We can save this information as a file in our system. Similarly, we can know information about other computers also, if they connected in a network. 

Speccy, Hardware Freak and CPUZ are few tools which gives you more information about your system.

 2. Windows Memory Diagnostic 

Problems occurs in memory will cause problem in system functioning. We cannot segregate this problem.  Problems may disable the running applications. It may crash the whole system. It occurs suddenly. Windows Memory Diagnostic is a tool to know about this problem. 

To get this tool, navigate as follows:
  • Control Panel --> Administrative Tools
There is a problem to use this tool. To open this, windows to reboot again. This tool has to be activated before windows loads. When system loads again, Windows Memory Diagnostic takes booting action to itself. It will analyse the memory problems and will give you the results. 

3. Event Viewer

When windows loads, Event Viewer logs all the steps.. These events, the list includes many things . Nevertheless , we are able to do more than is available in the Windows Logs folder. We can list the following three events .
  • Application Log
  • System Log
  • Security Log
4. Performance Monitor

To monitor windows process and its performance, windows provides more than one tool. By using 'Windows Task Manager', we can view the system process immediately. To know the process deeply, we should use 'Performance Monitor'.

Posted by OOPs on 07:14

All the copied items are saved in Clipboard only. Regularly, clipboard will not keep track your copied history. The latest you copied only will available in the clipboard.

 Have you ever thought about items that you have copied to clipboard yesterday or before that? 

Ever you tried to retrieve the items that you have copied long time back? 

An easy solution is here...

For this purpose, 'ControlC' software is available in internet as a free download. If you install it, you can view all your copied item that you are coping from web browser.  

Click here to download this software.

It requires only password from us. If you open this program, it will open from your default browser. By entering your password, you can view your items that you copied from web browser.

Clicking on 'Advanced' button will result you to the following page.
  • Advanced search settings
  • Settings
  • Blacklist
We can define number of days that needs to save your files.

See your clipboard history in your browser!

With ControlC all your history is saved to a database on your computer in a encrypted, secured database. However, using our unique software, you are able to access your clipboard history right from your browser! No more bulky interfaces!

Everything is saved!

  • ControlC copys files, images and text effortlessly.
  • Stores meta data also- Details such as program, URL, icon..
  • Advanced options for configuration such as blacklist, pruning and more
Customize it!
  • 9 themes come default letting you stylize controlc as you like.
  • Star favorite items. Delete sensitive ones. Blacklist programs.
  • Advanced search lets you narrow down the program, date & title.

Posted by OOPs on 07:13

We might have read in so many news papers, books about computer dangerous things and habits. But, we read the news and leave there itself. We are not following the advises regularly. A famous organization, TREND micro, has made survey on Computer usage and its progress. Most of us giving importance to our convenience rather than security.

Here, I listed out some of the habits that need to be changed among ourselves.

  •  Giving more Personal information in Social and Public websites
Social Website - FacebookMost of the internet users, especially youngsters, giving information  more than enough about their personal information such as sensitive information, life and place where they are living. 

This habits will make internet thieve's  job easier. They can get your such personal information by using Malware programs.

Recently, an individual house was robbed by robber is a perfect example for this. The robber came to know all victim's activities and his house information through Facebook. It makes his much job easier to plan.

 So, be careful while updating your personal information in social and public networks.

  • Private corporates security
Computer Security
Most of the people will be working under some private companies. While using computer from company, we may think that our company has more security and will more information either personal or financial in websites. But, all the security things are not believable. We cannot make any decision on the companies security policies.

We should think about environment and its security before giving inputs to the websites.

  • Dangerous Web links
Malware Mail
Links provided in websites, mails always so dangerous. In particular, links to social websites are having dangerous malwares always in it. 

Clicking on this link redirect you to some dangerous links instead of redirecting to social websites. We should be very careful about link sent by websites. 

It is better type the links in the address bar always instead of clicking on the links.

  • Fail to Updating Software
Update software
In India, people are not hesitating to install antivirus program specially for security reasons.

 At the same time, once they installed, they don't care about it later. It leads to crash the computers in bad way. 

We should update it in regular intervals.

  • Downloading piracy software
In Asian countries, in particularly India and china, computer users are showing more interest to download freewares and cheap software. When downloading the freewares especially cracked versions, they send malwares along with the software. After started to use the programs, the malwares also will start to show his work.

  • Single password for ALL
Most of us use single password for all the websites since it will be very difficult to remember the passwords for each websites, if it is different. This is very bad habit. Due to this, it is very easy to hack all your accounts once one of your account is hacked. 

So, even if you are feel difficult, try to keep separate passwords for each websites.

Posted by OOPs on 07:08

One of the most widely used web browser in the mobile phone is U.C web browser. Recently, it has been reported that the number customers exceeded 50 million internationally.

Among this, 30 million people use it in their Android phone. Most of the customers are in India and China. In the last year, 65% of mobile phones was used U.C Browser in China. It has a 32% stake in India.

Presently, 61.8 million people use the Internet in China. In this 80% of people accessing the Internet through their mobile phone.

 According to studies, the number of internet users in India through the mobile phone to reach 18.5 million in June.

The browser not only used in India and china. It have been using by Americans, Russians, etc., also. The India U.C browser introduced a new facility in the celebration of 50 crore customers. It offers a tool to know about Train timings, routes and information about booked tickets.

U.C has planned to release a version that will support for basic models also.

Posted by OOPs on 07:15

Additional Clock settingsWindows 2000 and Windows XP systems are not having option to set additional clocks, which can be set in Windows 7 or Vista system.

Usually, only one clock is displayed in the task bar. We are facing situations to know the timings of other countries.

 For this purpose, the recent Windows operating systems that have more than one, up to four, clocks facility in practice.

Let's see how to set up additional clocks.
1. First, click on 'Time' which is displaying on Taskbar. Then click on 'Change Time and Date settings'.
2. Or Right click on 'Time' directly, then select 'Adjust Date/ Time' Option
3. Alternatively, click on 'Date and Time' icon from control panel.

Additional Clock settings

4. Then choose 'Additional Clocks' tab from the pop up.
5. If you select 'Add a clock' option, it will prompt you to ask other data.
6. Select 'Time Zone' for which you wish to display clock.
7. Finally, you can name the clock (at max 15 characters).
After completing the above steps, Click on 'Finish'. That's it!!!  The clock will be shown in your taskbar as you named.

Additional Clock settings

Posted by OOPs on 10:05

  1. Android
  2. Bada
  3. BlackBerry
  4. Firefox OS
  5. iOS
  6. Palm OS
  7. Sailfish OS
  8. Symbian
  9. Windows Mobile
  10. Windows Phone

Posted by OOPs on 10:14

Android is an operating system based on the Linux kernel, and designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Initially developed by Android, Inc., which Google backed financially and later bought in 2005, Android was unveiled in 2007 along with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance—​a consortium of hardware, software, and telecommunication companies devoted to advancing open standards for mobile devices.The first publicly available smartphone running Android, the HTC Dream, was released on October 22, 2008. The user interface of Android is based on direct manipulation, using touch inputs that loosely correspond to real-world actions, like swiping, tapping, pinching, and reverse pinching to manipulate on-screen objects. Internal hardware—​such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, and proximity sensors—​is used by some applications to respond to additional user actions, for example adjusting the screen from portrait to landscape depending on how the device is oriented. Android allows users to customize their home screens with shortcuts to applications and widgets, which allow users to display live content, such as emails and weather information, directly on the home screen. Applications can further send notifications to the user to inform them of relevant information, such as new emails and text messages.

Posted by OOPs on 09:42

JavaBeans are reusable software components for Java. They are classes that encapsulate many objects into a single object (the bean). They are serializable, have a 0-argument constructor, and allow access to properties using getter and setter methods.